Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Oh well...they tried.

My high school played in the regional finals for the first time ever....unfortunately they were greeted by the #1 team in the state. Gave a valiant effort, but lost by 22. Good work guys. Im proud that you made it that far. Made me pround of my high school for the first time since I have graduated.

Secondly, I cannot wait until I get paid to work and put up with the shit I have to put up with on a daily basis. Since when is it my fault that your doctor didnt sign a control prescription....actually the gentleman was very nice about it and so was the just so happened that I received this prescription in the middle of three phone calls that were all people asking me to break the law so that "I dont have to wait for you all to fill my prescriptions." No you cannot fax me your prescription so that I can have it ready for you. That is illegal...I do it for you once and you expect it every time and then you are asking for me to fill a faxed control or something else that is waaaay illegal. If you want me to fill it quicker....have your doctor fax it, so you wont have to drop it off. really though..its not that fucking hard...take some responsibility for your own health care.

On that note.....if you have a discount card from a drug manufactuer and it requires you to activate it before filling the prescription.......please take 2 minutes and activate it. Its not the pharmacy tech, intern, or pharmacists duty to activate it for you after we have tried to fill it and it was rejected, then you tell us that you havent activated it. Guess what...we are nice and love our patients, so we will take the time to activate it for you (esp if you are old and we like you/havent had problems with you before), but we would really prefer that you would do it at home. It makes us not like you. lol..not really, but it is frustrating that the patient wont take their time(or take responsibility) to save themselves money, but expect us to do it and then get mad when it takes longer than usual to fill their prescription.

Lisa Lampenelli is NOT funny. She is racist, but she thinks its ok because she dates black men. I think she is a fat cunt.

Two more phones calls about oxycodone IR 30 mg Rxs from Florida today....and those were just the calls that I answered.

Feb has 28 days..therefore if you filled your controlled substance on Feb 9, it is not due on March 6, 7 or 8. Not even on March 9, esp if your doctor writes must last 30 days on the prescription. This medication is considered controlled for a that it is controlled and not just given out all willy nilly like.

Yes...i just said Willy Nilly...

Im starting to feel old.....I have plans to go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond tomorrow to buy a wine bar and a doormat.....and am talking to a wonderful artist about creating some art for my townhouse. Last week I spent 30 minutes in JCPennys picking out a comforter and sheets. Plan on going shopping for some furniture and golf type pictures for my living room. (im themeing rooms in my townhouse for some gay fucking reason) I am also strongly considering buying valances and curtains for my bedroom...what has happened to me. I never thought about this type of shit a year. The butterfly is officially dead (for those who know me, then you are probably laughing at the thought of the butterfly)

The velociraptor will however never be extinct.

If you told me that two kentucky schools would be locked in for the NCAA tournament, I would have never said Morehead State and Louisville. (Before you UofL supporters get mad, it would have been UK and UofL as my top two)

I slowly feel myself growing up and brain just doesnt work the way it used to, which is most def a good thing.

Thats all for now.

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