Thursday, February 5, 2009

Random Thoughts

Finally getting the hang of med recs. but still no way I would want to make a career out of it.

Going skiiing this weekend...heres to hoping I dont break my leg(s).

Sarah Silverman is annoying.

Im tired of hearing all about the celebrities and everytime they take a dump or pop out another child. Worthless. No wonder our society is a waste, when we think shit like this is important. Who cares.

Poor Michael Phelps. Dont let people take pictures of you smoking pot. geez. The big story on the Monday morning show was how noone is making a big deal about this. Then guess what?! All of a sudden it became a big deal. So what....he is a college kid, who just so happens to be the best swimmer ever. Let the kid enjoy himself a little. The people pointing fingers where probably the same ones who smoked and drank their way through those tough college communications classes. What is your great contribution to society other than busting this kids balls? Good job. You can look pretty and read a script. Congrats. You know who else can read? Me. My 8 year old niece, and Im pretty sure my 3 year old niece can read a few words. lol. Michael f-ing Phelps won a million gold medals at the summer olympics. I cheered him on every night, just like everyone else in America. Give the kid a break. He was just the posterchild for the great ole USA for 2 weeks...thats a lot of pressure. A little toke isnt gonna hurt him.

I really like cartoons like Family Guy, South Park, King of the Hill...and there is nothing you can do about it.

I have a bottle of really good bourbon that I cant wait to enjoy this weekend.

Facial Hair February is in full effect.

1 month, 3 weeks and 1 day until Im finished with rotations.

Vegas is 2 months.

Thats all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Were you watching Sarah Silverman when you wrote this?
